Monday, September 15, 2003


i have formatted my pc yesterday, i am back today. thanks to proper planning i have not lost a single byte. here are a few things to keep in mind.

  • back up mail

  • back up working directory.. place where you keep the latest things

  • burn a cd of useful programs.. include flashget winzip zonealarm

  • copy service packs of your future windoze

  • note down the tcp/ip configs.. passwords.. contacts list etc.

i am simply not ready to use solely linux..

Saturday, September 13, 2003

Comments visible

i have tried to add comments to the site.. mm... does it work?

Are getter and setter evil? According to Allen Holub they are.. Read on.. I think Visitor pattern is ill suited to the task at hand in that article.. What if different objects want to do different things on account object.. write a visit method for each and every one of them.. that could be a way to keep a sensitive object in check by the way.. it may be a feature as well or a limitation!!

The day started at 5 am which is a bit early for me. As it turns out my decision to use Mozilla as a primary browser is a late one, and it is already beginning to pay. StumbleUpon is a great way to browse internet.. Basically i am fascinated by the first quality web pages people are recommending on subjects like open source, computer programming.. i have spent a few hours and here are some interesting sites. Beo ShootOut Algos

It is pity that i was unaware of the last link during my CS education of 4 years. it could have saved lots of hours:)

Thursday, September 11, 2003

i am looking into lazy evaluation of function arguments in java. is jvm allowed to do such a thing??

i am not talking about MacCarthy lazy evaluation which is present in JAVA.

Herkese merhabalar, Hello everyone at last i have jumped on the blogger wagon, lets see how things will fare.