Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Here we go !

I am helping build a struts based web application these days, and support for Struts at IBM tools(WSAD) is pretty good. Add Struts Unit Tests to the equation we have a solid ground for development.
For Model objects standard JUnit will suffice.
For templating support we use tiles which integrates with Struts so well

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Hello again

After a long time i am back with news

  • I am working for Cybersoft for a while..

  • I've got a new car now.

The work is great learning experience..
Cybersoft has a great reputation and experience of doing software development.. Established standards makes great software.

Right now i a trying to figure out best practices for wiring web applications with Struts-Tiles, and our own Persistence Model.

The company uses a closed framework called Aurora, to create Rich internet applications, based on XML definitions and service orientec architecture.. so JSP/HTML front end is relatively new and unexplored area which i pioneer.

That's all folks for now.. I will not keep this blog hungry.. i promise to myself..