Saturday, July 31, 2004

JSF is hot

JSF is the next big thing..An Article from

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Storyboard and Prototyping

For our next project at Toyota we will do storyboarding as the use-case diagrams are being fleshed out with all interested parties.
Two software is promising:

I am also determined to use StrutsTestCase and Hibernate this time.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004


At Toyota, migrating to new system is fun and challenging.

You need to have excel skills as well as a good understanding of new java regexp package,

the other system i helped designed is deployed on a OS/390 websphere, no actually ibm couldnt manage it..

i hope they can install SunJCE to that machine when we ask them to. Cause we are informed that EAR file we have given is undergoing through an instruction code manipılation before it is deployed.

i also hope that reflection which is at the heart of any serious java framework these days wont be broken by the transformation. i am not asking too much am i?
they wouldnt call it java compatible would they ?

Friday, July 09, 2004

Atlassian - JIRA - Customer Testimonials

Atlassian - JIRA - Customer Testimonials: "(an internally developed and used Microsoft bug tracker.) I'd put JIRA second"

Saturday, July 03, 2004

another weekend being spent working..

thank you my darling for your understanding.
sen olmasan ben ne yapardım:)