Thursday, December 30, 2004

New Year

A new year, fresh hopes.. new dynamism.. whatever i do i want to do with passion and care, both in software development and in my social life.
success and happiness comes through passion and love..

happy new year all, hope 2005 would be a better year than 2004.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Are you having fun while you work?

Yep i do. i love sensing that the software i build saves time and generate value..
While developing software i not only cover the basics of the business process but try to simplify, clarify it.

by sometimes asking (not so) dumb questions, i try to understand why things are done the way it is.

Occaisonally there are things to improve and optimise. The challenge ahead of me is to improvise the usability of a web application
managing a complex workflow for automative industry.

Building a new model, negotiating timings with part suppliers is such a complex job. The specialists will virtually use our product all day and i want them to go home happy not frustrated..

Google is nowadays setting the standarts for the usability. The technique used is not fairly new.

Implementing it cross-browser style is the hard part and brilliant enginneers of Google managed it by providing a cookie backed-frame reloading scheme for old browsers.

Expect to see people frameworking and easing the pain in months to come. Simply the bar is raised to never come back down again.
PS: i was suprised to learn that Opera 7.x falls into old browser category for the lack of XmlHttpRequest

Saturday, December 04, 2004

RIA Who will dominate ?

On-demand apps demand a richer browser
For Web applications to be wholly successful, we need new thin client technology

From InfoWorld

Laszlo hence Flash is my fav.
see also macromedia's Flex

Microsoft Avalon is the runner-up.

For the Java side there will be strong players for sure. ..
Stay tuned for news from google monster.

Weekend challenge & fun

Print edition of Economist have become my regular

Technology quarterlies and insightful articles on Far East economies (esp.
China) are must read.

Here is a different perspective from the magazine:

SLIDING-BLOCK puzzles look easy, but they can be tricky to solve.

i know i know i must be working now.. but..