Monday, November 09, 2009

stackoverflow clones

After the success of stackoverflow, many applications with similar concepts have emerged.
while some of the chinese sites have even used the same design, some of the web applications are geniune attempts to add value.
O'Reilly with its vast knowledge base of everything related computers is trying to take advantage of it with O'Reilly Answers concept.

What other sites do you see as a stackoverflow competitor?

Update here is once stackoverflow wanna be in Turkish

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Distributed Processing

Processing log data and extracting valuable insight from it will not be straightforward. Fortunately there are a few pointers to help.

1- Commonj Work manager API
CommonJ is a BEA and IBM joint specification that provides a standard for executing concurrent tasks in a JEE environment. It has support for the Master/Worker pattern in its WorkManager API. It has open source implementations too.

2- Master-worker pattern can be easily distributed with Terracota infrastructure.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

High Performance XML Processing

In my current project we will probably need hardware XML accelerator to process many millions of xml messages..
There is an ongoing EU project in which Cybersoft participates.
IBM can supply the hardware XML processor via DataPower


Note to myself:
You should never use System.out.println in production code.. See the synchronized block out there.

public void println(String x) {
synchronized (this) {