French humour
The question is that the French have jokes, but do they have a sense of humour?
apparently NO. After their joking with history and historians i am sure they have a dry sense of humour.
A handful of politicians after Armenian diaspora support is playing dangerous games.
French should know better that when a civil war starts, innocent people can get killed.
After all French legionners(whatever it is spelled) fueled lots of war in Africa.
With their dirty hands from Algeria and etal they are the last nation to tell us our history.
The silly side of thing is that French would punish anyone denying Armenians are victims of genocide. Not even academicians.. So french politicians decided it for everyone. full period.
Let the history reveal itself.
1 comment:
avrupanın gelişmiş demokrasileri arasında yer alan fransada , ermeni lobisi gazıyla ve oy kaygısıyla, parlamentolarında tarihi konularla ilgili "türkler soykırım yapmıştır" şeklinde karar alarak, aksini söyleyeni cezaevine atmak sonucunu doğuran, bu haliyle de düşünce ve vicdan özgürlüğü, bilimsel araştırma özgürlüğüne set çeken vahim bir uygulamadır..
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