Monday, June 25, 2007

YUI and javascript

If you are developing intranet applications you may not feel the heat of cross-browser compatibility, however once you have started working on a world facing web application you have to know and apply lots of details for each browser out there.

Luckily YUI is there for us to help..

Personally i like handpicking javascript code for websites, so you-write-in-your-comfortable-java editor-and-we-will-turn-it-into-javascript approach is no good for me.. (e.g gwt)

YUI helps with CSS, fonts, layout (grids)

And it doesnt stop there, it also gives some components, animations, transitions.. All designed by smart yahoo developers and they actually use it in their own products..

It is low-level (yet functional), extensible and enforcing best practices all along the way.. It is a great start to learn Javascript

Games can be coded in it..

Yahoo provides a set of design patterns as companion too.

With their new CEOs at helm, i would say keeping in touch with developer community with such warm relations can only be a good sign of things to come.

Even google uses it. Nuff said.

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